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    How to approach updating your WordPress website

    by Kishan Kotecha Partnership Manager

    Updating your WordPress website is crucial for maintaining its security, performance and functionality.

    Regular updates ensure that your website remains up to date with the latest features, bug fixes and security patches. Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you efficiently update your WordPress website.

    1. Backup your website

    Before making any updates, it’s essential to create a backup of your entire website. If anything goes wrong during the update process, you can easily restore your website to its previous state. There are several plugins available, such as UpdraftPlus and BackWPup, that can help you automate the backup process.

    2. Update WordPress core

    Start by updating the WordPress core. When a new version of WordPress is released, it usually includes bug fixes, security enhancements and new features. To update, go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Dashboard > Updates. If there is a new version available, click on the “Update Now” button to initiate the update process.

    3. Update plugins

    Plugins play a crucial role in extending the functionality of your WordPress website. Keeping them up to date is important for security and performance reasons. To update plugins, go to the Plugins section in your WordPress dashboard. If there are any updates available, you will see a notification next to the relevant plugin. Click on the “Update Now” link to update it.

    4. Update themes

    As with plugins, keeping your themes updated ensures that you have access to the latest features and security enhancements. Navigate to the Appearance section in your WordPress dashboard and click on the “Themes” option. If there are any updates available, you will see a notification next to the theme. Click on “Update Now”.

    5. Verify compatibility

    After updating the WordPress core, plugins and themes, verify the compatibility of your website. Some updates may introduce conflicts or compatibility issues, especially if you have custom code or use older or unsupported plugins/themes. Test your website thoroughly, paying attention to critical functionality, design, and user experience. If any issues arise, troubleshoot and resolve them accordingly.

    6. Delete unnecessary plugins and themes

    Over time, you may accumulate unused or unnecessary plugins and themes on your website. Ideall, you should delete them as they can pose security risks or slow down your website. Go to the Plugins and Themes sections in your WordPress dashboard and delete any unwanted items.

    7. Review and update content

    While updating your website, take the opportunity to review and update your content as necessary. Ensure that all information, images and links. This helps maintain a professional online presence and keeps Google happy.

    8. Monitor performance

    After updating your site, monitor its performance and user experience. Check for any changes in loading times, responsiveness or functionality. If you notice any issues, investigate and resolve them promptly.

    9. Implement security measures

    Updating your WordPress website is a vital step in ensuring its security. However, it’s crucial to implement additional security measures to protect your website from potential threats. Consider using a security plugin like Wordfence and enabling two-factor authentication.

    10. Stay informed

    Keep yourself informed about the latest WordPress updates and security best practices. Subscribe to WordPress newsletters, join relevant forums or communities, and follow trusted WordPress-related resources. Staying informed helps you make informed decisions about updating your website.

    If you need help with any aspect of updating, maintaining or building a WordPress site, why not contact the WordPress experts? We can make sure your site is secure and firing on all cylinders.