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    Maintaining your WordPress site

    by Kishan Kotecha Partnership Manager

    Think of maintaining your WordPress site as being as essential as maintaining anything else that requires looking after, like a house. You wouldn’t settle for broken heating or a leaky roof so you shouldn’t settle for broken or outdated features on your WordPress site either.

    Failing to maintain your site could result in negative consequences such as a slower load-speed, lowered search rankings, and poorer security, and all of these will directly affect the amount of leads you get.

    We’ve rounded up a few pointers for how to maintain your WordPress site below – check them out.

    Delete unused plugins

    Fair enough, you might have installed a bunch of plugins at the start with the intention of them improving your site’s functionality, but if you haven’t actually used them, it’s pretty pointless leaving them installed. Review what you have, keep what you use, and uninstall any that you don’t.

    Update active plugins

    Failing to update your plugins can leave your site at risk of being hacked. Updates generally include some vital security improvements so ensure that you stay on top of this.

    Remove old drafts

    Chances are that your posts section is home to a few drafts that you never got around to publishing. Review this weekly and regularly delete any drafts that you don’t need to keep your database optimised.

    Find & fix broken links

    Make sure that all your links work! It can be frustrating for users to click on a link only to be met with a 404 error page. You can set up redirects to send traffic to similar pages instead to ensure visitors have a smooth user experience and find everything they need to.

    Review your navigation

    As you add pages and make changes, your nav will change to accommodate them, but make sure to review this and ensure it still makes sense to the user.

    Test contact form functionality

    Functioning contact forms are essential for web lead-generation. If these aren’t working as they should then you could be missing out on vital leads and subsequent business. Make sure you test all forms and email opt-ins regularly so you don’t miss anything.

    Test compatibility

    Regularly test your sites compatibility with various devices and browsers so you can fix anything that doesn’t work or look right as soon as possible.

    Review SEO factors

    Keep your content fresh and relevant, make sure there are no missing meta titles or descriptions, and keep on top of your search rankings.

    Gooey are a white label development agency based in Manchester, UK, specialising in frontend, WordPress, Magento, and HTML email development. Get in touch to see how we can help.