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    8 reasons why your visitors are leaving your site

    by James Holloway Partnership Director

    Your site is too slow

    You may think a slow site is one that takes ages to long, but research has shown that it can take as little as 2 seconds to discourage a visitor from waiting it out. With super-fast internet, consumers have become impatient and expect speedy load times, this is particularly the case in mobile users. This is also important when it comes to SEO; with Google penalising slow sites, you could see your rankings slipping if you aren’t careful. Take a look at these 11 quick fixes to reduce page load time and speed up your site.

    You’re missing a call to action

    If your content is great and your web design is stunning, the reason why visitors are leaving your site could be that they don’t know what to do once they land on it. Add a call to action to give them direction – this could be to move to another page, sign up to a mailing list, download more information, or make an enquiry. If your visitors don’t know what to do, or if you make it too difficult for them to get where they need to get, they will leave and find another website offering the same services in a simpler and clearer way.

    You’re asking too much

    While having calls to action is of great importance, it is also vital not to overwhelm your visitors by asking them to do too much too soon. Asking your visitors to input their details so that your sales team can call them before you have even clearly told them what you do can seem aggressive. Try starting off with a milder call to action initially such as moving to another page to read more information, or expanding details on your services.

    It isn’t mobile-friendly

    Mobile users make up over half of all web page views so your site must be suitable for mobile devices. Not only to mobile visitors leave your site if it isn’t mobile-friendly, Google also penalises sites that aren’t by not sending mobile users to your site via search

    Check out how to design mobile-first sites here.

    It isn’t engaging

    Consider your target market and what kind of content might interest them If your blog is clearly outdated, it screams that you aren’t making an effort to engage your visitors, and users could infer that other information on your site may also be outdated or incorrect – try to stick to a schedule of updating your blog once per week and checking over and refreshing your site regularly. In addition to regularity and relevance, your content needs to be relatable and pleasant to read. If you are too focused on getting your keywords into every page and blog, your content can come across robotic and fake. Write your content for human readers first, and adapt carefully for SEO after – if in doubt, get someone else to read over it.

    Your visuals are as important as written content. Make sure that you use high quality images and videos, and avoid over-using free stock photos from the most popular sites or else your site could end up appearing cookie-cutter and fail to stand out. Take a look at these stock photo sites to broaden your options.

    It isn’t (or doesn’t seem) secure

    72% of online shoppers abandon their purchase if the website or payment process seems insecure and this could definitely be one of the reasons why visitors are leaving your site. This is an easy fix though – purchasing an SSL certificate helps to reassure your visitors that your site is safe and gives them confidence to interact with your website.

    You’re autoplaying media

    Not only does autoplaying videos slow down your page, it can also frustrate mobile users who are surfing the web on mobile data. Autoplaying takes the control out of the visitors hands and can lead to them becoming frustrated at the website.

    You’re attracting the wrong visitors

    You might be getting a tonne of traffic to you site but if your bounce rate is high it could indicate that the visitors aren’t your target market.Misleading search titles and tags, irrelevant keywords, or poorly targeted ads can all lead to

    Your goal should not only be about quantity, as thousands of irrelevant visitors who leave your site straight away is just about as valuable as no visitors at all. Focus on the quality of your traffic and make sure you aren’t misleading anyone into thinking your site serves a different purpose than it does. Likewise, check any ads that you have to make sure they aren’t misplaced i.e. are they targeting a country that you don’t serve?

    Do you have website designs you need help bringing to life? Gooey are a team of expert WordPress and Magento developers that are ready to take on projects of any size or budget. Explore our services here.