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    Meet the developer: Anish

    by Stacy Parr Finance Manager

    There’s another new developer in town and we’ve made him part of Team Gooey. This week we’re getting to know Anish!

    Why did you become a developer?

    “I originally wanted to do design but I was never able to take the design from my head on to paper/screen, but when MySpace (R.I.P) came around, I was able to tweak some ready-made themes. At the same time I was doing a basic HTML coding module as part of my college course. This helped me to edit these themes even more, and I eventually went on to study it at uni as well. I love the creativity that developing allows.”

    What excites you about working in an agency?

    “The people, the atmosphere, and the variety of work. I’ve worked in a corporate environment in the past where everyday was the same and it became stale very quickly. Agency atmosphere is the best and the people are pretty laid-back.”

    If you were going to have a completely different career what would it be?

    “Batman. Haha… no I’d be a butcher (I think there’s something therapeutic about chopping up meat), or a F1 racer because I enjoy motor racing.”


    • If he was an animal he’d be a: A Shark – they’re cool and can eat what they want!
    • His favourite place to eat in Manchester is: KFC or the cinema
    • If he could give his school-self any advice it would be: to stay away from school dinners!

    Working at Gooey

    At Gooey, we like to nurture talent, and we offer training as part of the job. We like to recognise potential and provide opportunities for you to grow and improve.

    Check out our careers page to find out more about our training and apprenticeship programmes.